Terms Of Use
Updated 19 June 2022
Please read the Terms of Use carefully. By downloading, accessing or using Ertigo (“Ertigo Productivity & Health”), you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree, do not use Ertigo.
We may update the terms and privacy at any time. By continuing to use Ertigo, you agree to any revised Terms.
By using Ertigo, you agree that it’s your responsibility to keep yourself safe. Please check if you have the following conditions before following our guideline.
- No broken bones (Abnormal swollen symptom).
- No cracked bones.
- Have not been an accident in the past 24 hours.
- No non-healing surgical wound.
Guidelines in the Ertigo app was created by certified experts who design with the safety in mind. However, If you are new to stretching in general, please be careful and don’t over do and follow the guideline on your own pace.
If you injure yourself, you agree to absolve Ertigo and the creators of any and all responsibility for injury of any kind.